Friday, May 4, 2012

Studio Space





My improved studio space! I have been organising and trying to make things easier for myself. The new white drawers are from Ikea, and they really are perfect for me (I shop at Ikea way too much, I can see at least 7 items from there in these photos). I will eventually sit my printer on top and have all my prints neatly stored away in the drawers below! Very different to the system I have now, which is in boxes all over the place.


  1. I am covering my screen so that my studio doesn't see this. You have my admiration! I love to dream about a lovely, white, stark & organized studio....but it's so far departed from reality that it really does seem unreal (at least for me)! Maybe the fact that I can't get IKEA here is a factor?

    My studio looks like a vintage shop imploded and then magical unicorn ponies got sick all over it and rainbows came and joined the party. ;)

    Love your space!

  2. Haha! Thanks so much Dianna! It doesn't always look this neat, trust me. Your studio sounds a lot more exciting than mine!
